Music composed or arranged by Stuart Forster. Published pieces show a link to the publisher’s site, most of which include recordings.
NEWEST PIECE premiered January 12, 2025
The Bethesda Service was composed for the Episcopal Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea, Palm Beach, Florida, to begin the centennial celebration of the church building. This setting of the service music sung at the Holy Eucharist, Rite II, is scored for congregation and organ, and it includes the Gloria in excelsis, Sanctus, and Fraction Anthem.
premiered Christmas Eve, 2023
Fantasy on Gaudete — a Christmas celebration for brass quintet, timpani, tambourine, triangle, and organ. Available at
Psalm 139 a setting of two Anglican chants for TTBB unaccompanied voices, commissioned by Renaissance Men for Blue Christmas, 2023
Prayer contemplative organ solo piece, commissioned by J Parker
The St. Aidan’s Service a setting of the Magnificat and Nunc dimittis for SATB choir and organ, commissioned by Anker Lerret in memory of Jo Baker Lerret. Available at
It is well with my soul a hymn-anthem for SATB choir and organ, commissioned by Kathleen Coleman for the choirs of Christ Church Cambridge, Massachusetts, in honor of Barbara Halporn [upublished by Paraclete Press]
Süßer die Glocken nie klingen a favourite German carol arranged for SSAATB choir and organ, with original German text plus an English paraphrase by Stuart Forster [under contract to be published by Paraclete Press in 2023]
“Eternal, mighty, gracious God” from The Seasons by Franz Josef Haydn, for STB soloists and SATB choir, with new organ arrangement of the orchestral accompaniment and new English translation by Kathleen Coleman available at
O Jesus Christe, wahres Licht by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, for SATB choir and new organ arrangement of the orchestral accompaniment
All my heart this night rejoices unaccompanied through-composed SATB arrangement of Johann Georg Ebeling’s delightful carol, as translated by Catherine Winkworth available at
Jubilate Deo festive anthem for SATB choir and organ, setting the text of Psalm 100 and the Gloria Patri available at
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in B-flat by Charles Villiers Stanford, one of the most beloved sets of evening canticles in the repertoire, for SATB choir with a new organ accompaniment arranged from Stanford’s florid orchestration [published by Paraclete Press]
“Ev’ry valley” from The Nativity according to Saint Luke by Randall Thompson, for SATB choir with new organ arrangement from the composer’s orchestral manuscript
“And the child grew” from The Nativity according to Saint Luke by Randall Thompson, for SATB choir with new organ arrangement from the composer’s orchestral manuscript
O gracious Light unaccompanied setting of the Phos hilaron for SATB choir [published by Paraclete Press]
By the Creator, Joseph was appointed anthem for SAB choir with organ accompaniment [published by Paraclete Press]
Sing to the Lord a new song Festival anthem for SATB choir and organ [published by Paraclete Press]
Set me as a seal SATB unaccompanied motet for Baptisms, Weddings, and for general use [published by Paraclete Press]
The Passion according to John a setting of the Passion narrative for unaccompanied SATB choir with traditional plainsong parts for soloists
Rejoice in the Lord always Anthem for Advent or General Use for SATB choir with organ
Where is this stupendous stranger? Christmas motet for two-part treble choir with organ accompaniment
The little road to Bethlehem Christmas motet for two-part treble choir with organ accompaniment
O taste and see motet for SATB unaccompanied choir [published by Paraclete Press]. Scroll to the bottom of the Audio/video page to hear a recording (with slide show) of this piece: Audio/video page
It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord festive anthem for SSAATB Choir with organ accompaniment [published by Paraclete Press]
How far is it to Bethlehem? Christmas motet for two-part treble choir with organ accompaniment
The Death of Christ Passiontide motet for SATB unaccompanied choir [published by Paraclete Press]
15 Anglican chants for psalms and canticles
Now is the healing time decreed Lenten hymn-anthem for SABar Choir with organ accompaniment [published by Paraclete Press]
On Springfield Mountain folk song arranged for TTBB unaccompanied choir
The Nicene Creed, a setting for unison voices (choir and/or congregation) with organ accompaniment [under contract to be published in 2020 by Selah Publishing Co.]
Benediction, an SATB setting of the blessing “Go forth into the world in peace” for choir and/or congregation with optional accompaniment; suitable for weddings, funerals, and regular Sunday services [published by Paraclete Press]
Alleluia Responsory, a Sequence for cantor, choir, congregation, and organ; suitable for Feasts of Our Lord, including Eastertide, Ascensiontide, and Christ the King
Antiphons for psalms, a three-year cycle of metrical and plainsong antiphons for congregations to sing in response to Anglican chant and plainsong psalm verses
By the Creator, Joseph was appointed [Statuit Creator], a unison hymn-tune with organ accompaniment
The Cambridge Mass [Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus/Benedictus, Fraction Anthem, Agnus Dei] for unison congregation with organ accompaniment
Fraction Anthem for Advent [text by Joseph Robinson] for unison congregation with organ accompaniment [published by Paraclete Press]
Fraction Anthem for Epiphany [text by Joseph Robinson] for unison congregation with organ accompaniment [published by Paraclete Press]
A Lenten Mass a Messe Basse (Kyrie, Sanctus/Benedictus, and Fraction Anthem) for unison congregation with organ accompaniment [published by Paraclete Press]
Arrangements of the following hymns
descants, harmonizations, and/or accompaniments
Hymns marked * are published, or under contract to be published, by Selah Publishing Co.
NEWS: The first 2 volumes are now available from Selah:
Hymns marked B have optional brass parts, some have percussion as well
Hymns marked O have optional orchestral parts
Hymns marked M feature multiple voice parts (e.g., SATB on the final stanza)
All creatures of our God and King [Lasst uns erfreuen] * B
All glory, laud and honor [St. Theodulph OR Valet will ich dir geben]
All people that on earth do dwell [Old Hundredth]
Alleluia, alleluia! Hearts and voices heavenward raise [Lux eoi]
Alleluia! sing to Jesus! [Hyfrydol] * B
Alleluia, song of gladness [Dulce Carmen] *
Amazing grace! [New Britain] * M
Angels from the realms of glory [Regent Square] *
Angels we have heard on high [Gloria] published by MorningStar Music Publishers*; B M O
Angel-voices ever singing [Angel voices] *
At the Lamb’s high feast we sing [Salzburg] *
Awake, arise, lift up your voice [Richmond] *
Before the Lord’s eternal throne [Winchester New]
Be thou my vision [Slane] *
Blessed be the God of Israel [Thornbury]
Book of books, thy people’s strength [Liebster Jesu]
Brightest and best of the stars of the morning [Morning Star]
By all your saints still striving [King’s Lynn] *
Christ is alive! Let Christians sing [Truro]
Come down, O Love divine [Down Ampney] *
Come, labor on [Ora Labora] *
Come, thou Almighty King [Moscow]
Come, thou fount of every blessing [Nettleton] * B M
Come, thou long-expected Jesus [Cross of Jesus]
Come, thou Redeemer of the earth [Puer nobis nascitur] published by St. James Music Press
Earth and all stars [Earth and All Stars]
For all the Saints who from their labors rest [Sine Nomine] *
For everyone born [Mann]
For the beauty of the earth [Lucerna Laudoniae]
Forty days and forty nights [Heinlein / Aus der Tiefe rufe ich] *
Go forth for God [Litton] *
God is love, let heaven adore him [Abbot’s Leigh]
God of grace and God of glory [Cwm Rhondda]
God rest you merry, gentlemen [God rest you] published by MorningStar Music Publishers; B M O
God the Spirit, guide and guardian [Hyfrydol] B
God who made us make us still [Lucerna Laudoniae]
Hail the day that sees Him rise [Llanfair] *
Hail thee, festival day! [Salve festa dies]
Hail, thou once despised Jesus! [In Babilone] *
Hail to the Lord’s anointed [Es flog ein kleins Waldvögelein]
Hark! the herald angels sing [Mendelssohn] published by MorningStar Music Publishers* ; B M
He is risen, He is risen! [Unser Herrscher] B M
Holy, holy, holy! [Nicaea] *
How shall I sing that majesty [Coe Fen] O
I come with joy to meet my Lord [Land of Rest] *
I heard the voice of Jesus say [Kingsfold] *
I’ll praise my Maker while I’ve breath [Old 113th]
If thou but trust in God to guide thee [Neumark]
Immortal, invisible, God only wise [St. Denio] *
Jerusalem [organ arrangement of Elgar’s orchestration] B organ only version available at and organ+brass+percussion version available at
Jerusalem, my happy home [Land of Rest] *
Jerusalem the golden [Ewing] O
Jesus Christ is risen today [Easter Hymn] B M
Joyful, joyful, we adore thee [Hymn to Joy]
Judge eternal, throned in splendour [Rhuddlan]
Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates [Truro]
Lo! he comes with clouds descending [Helmsley] published by St. James Music Press
Lord Christ, when first thou cam’st to earth [Mit Freuden Zart]
Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing [Sicilian Mariners]
Lord of beauty, thine the splendour [Regent Square] *
Lord, you give the great commission [Abbot’s Leigh] * B
Love divine, all loves excelling [Hyfrydol] *
My Lord, what a morning [Spiritual]
My shepherd will supply my need [Contemplation]
New songs of celebration render [Rendez à Dieu] * B
Now thank we all our God [Nun danket alle Gott] *
O for a thousand tongues to sing [Azmon]
O God of earth and altar [King’s Lynn] *
O God, our help in ages past [St. Anne] *
O Jesus, crowned with all renown [Kingsfold] *
O praise ye the Lord! Praise Him in the height [Laudate Dominum] *
O source of vast creation [Thaxted]
O splendor of God’s glory bright [Puer nobis] *
O thou who camest from above [Hereford] *
O what their joy and their glory must be [O quanta qualia] O
O worship the King, all glorious above [Hanover]
O Zion, haste, thy mission high fulfilling [O Zion, haste]
O Zion, tune thy voice [Darwall’s 148th]
O Zion, tune thy voice [Eastview]
One bread, one body [Foley] * M
On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry [Winchester New] *
People, look East [Besançon Carol]
Praise the Spirit in creation [Finnian] *
Praise to God, immortal praise [Dix]
Praise to the Lord, the almighty [Lobe den Herrn] *
Rejoice! the Lord is King [Gopsal]
Round the Lord in glory seated [Rustington] *
Savior of the nations, come [Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland]
Shall we not love thee, Mother dear [Beatitudo]
Sing praise to God who reigns above [Mit Freuden Zart]
Sing we of the Blessèd Mother [Rustington] *
Sing, ye faithful, sing with gladness [Finnian] *
Songs of praise the angels sang [Northampton]
Songs of thankfulness and praise [Salzburg] *
Spread, O spread, thou mighty word [Gott sei Dank]
Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord [Birmingham] *
Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord [Woodlands] *
That Easter day with joy was bright [Puer Nobis] *
The day of resurrection [Ellacombe] B
The head that once was crowned with thorns [St. Magnus] *
The King of Love my shepherd is [St. Columba] *
The Lord, my God, my shepherd is [Crimond] *
The Lord’s my shepherd, I’ll not want [Crimond] *
The sinless one to Jordan came [Solemnis haec festivitas]
The spacious firmament on high [Creation]
The strife is o’er [Victory] *
Thine be the glory [Maccabaeus] B
Thine for ever! God of love [Newington]
This is the day the Lord hath made [London New]
Thou whose almighty word [Moscow]
Through all the changing scenes of life [Wiltshire]
Through the Red Sea brought at last [Starf mich nicht] *
Thy strong word did cleave the darkness [Ton y Botel]
To God be the glory [To God be the glory]
To God with gladness sing [Darwall’s 148th] *
We know that Christ is raised and dies no more [Engelberg] *
We walk by faith, and not by sight [St. Botolph] *
When Christ was lifted from the earth [St. Botolph] *
When I survey the wondrous cross [Rockingham] * M
When in our music God is glorified [Engelberg] *
When Jesus left his Father’s throne [Kingsfold] *
Where cross the crowded ways of life [Gardiner] *
Ye servants of God, your master proclaim [Paderborn]
Ye watchers and ye holy ones [Lasst uns erfreuen] *
Sinfonia from Easter Oratorio, BWV 249 — Johann Sebastian Bach, arranged for 2 trumpets, horn, timpani, and organ available at
Toccata on Helmsley [published by St. James Music Press]
Meditation on Veni Emmanuel [published by St. James Music Press]
“Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity” from The Planets —Gustav Holst, arranged for organ available at
“Allegretto” from Symphony No. 7 — Ludwig van Beethoven, arranged for organ [published by MorningStar Music Publishers]
Five Variants of ‘Dives and Lazarus’ — Ralph Vaughan Williams, arranged for organ available at
Symphony No. 9 “From the New World” — Antonín Dvořák, arranged for organ [published by Éditions Chantraine, Belgium]
Adagio; Allegro molto
Blithe Bells — Percy Grainger [after Bach], arranged for organ
“In the hall of the Mountain King” from Peer Gynt Suite No. 1 — Edvard Grieg, arranged for organ
Fantasia quasi fuga for string quartet
Variations on an original tune for piano
See all of the Paraclete Press publications of Stuart Forster’s work at
See all of the MorningStar Music publications of Stuart Forster’s work at
See all of the St. James Music Press publications of Stuart Forster’s work [may require registration] at
See Stuart Forster’s sheet music available at sheetmusicplus
Hello Stuart,
I have a friend, David Almond, who did his doctoral thesis on Ralph Vaughan Williams. I mentioned that I have your transcription of Dives & Lazarus (playing it next Sunday 5/6/18 at St. Thomas in Hanover NH), and his eyes lit up. How might I go about getting a copy?
When you sent me Dives & Lazarus a couple of years ago, I sent you (unsolicited) my transcription of the Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis, which David Briggs has been playing in public recitals lately. I wondered if you received it?
Pete Beardsley, M. Mus., FAGO
Christ Church Cathedral, Springfield MA, retired
Hi Pete,
I’d be happy to send you another copy. Why don’t you send me an email message with the mailing address? Send the message to
I was delighted to get the Tallis Fantasia, and David Briggs will undoubtedly do a masterful job with it.
Best wishes,
Dear Mr Foster
I am writing to enquire if the score for your very fine arrangement of Abbots Leigh (Lord, you give the great commission) is available to purchase, specifically the brass parts. I emailed your publisher, however I have not had a reply as yet.
Perhaps you could let me know if these parts are available, and if so, how I could arrange to purchase a set please?
Many thanks,
David Forde
Director of Music, Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity, Waterford, Ireland
+353 83 387 7901
Hello, I’m interested in purchasing your copy of the Five Variants of Dives and Lazarus by Vaughn Williams. How much does it cost? Thanks!
I’m trying to find a way to order the “Amazing Grace” score. Can you provide the wording information?